Launched: a New Anthology Crowdfunding Channel!

We're pleased to announce an additional crowdfunding channel for our anthology, via Indiegogo!

Launched: a New Anthology Crowdfunding Channel!

Dear Readers,

We're pleased to announce an additional crowdfunding channel for our anthology, via Indiegogo! This is separate from our Ko-Fi fund, which is still available. Now contributors can choose between the platforms and their perks.

Learn the story behind "Anthology: Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers" and help us meet our goal. Via Indiegogo:

Anthology: Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers
A cross-genre anthology of stellar writers edited by authors Jendia Gammon and Gareth L. Powell. | Check out ‘Anthology: Of Shadows, Stars, and Sabers’ on Indiegogo.

We understand that not everyone can contribute to crowdfunding our first anthology. But even just sharing the links with friends and family really helps us a great deal!

Thank you so much for helping us get this book made.

Ad astra per fabulas,
Jendia Gammon (Editor-in-Chief) and Gareth L. Powell (Managing Editor)
Stars and Sabers Publishing